Finding the Perfect Pup

Why I’m Searching for a Service Dog

Jacob Moore
3 min readSep 3, 2018
Hanging with Bandit the Corgi

My first word was not Mama or Dada like most babies; it was DOG. It wasn’t uncommon for my mom to find me curled up on the floor next to our first dog, Sampson. It’s no wonder one of my first non-liquid meals was dog food.

I love that dogs are unfailingly loving and loyal. They are empathetic and intuitive and have a way of brightening your day no matter what’s going on. Best of all, they are always happy to see you — even if you’ve only been gone a minute.

We always had one or more dogs around growing up. I vividly remember the day I got my very own dog, Chassy the Boxer. Later my mom started helping pregnant rescue dogs through the birthing and adoption process. I love dogs so much, I watch other people’s dogs (like those pictured here) every chance I get. Needless to say, I’m a dog guy.

Milo (mini tri-color) and Ernie (blue merle) Australian Shepherds

But, it’s been over 5 years since I had my last dog Aden — who came from one of my mom’s rescue litters. Since relocating to Los Angeles, I finally feel settled enough to find my next perfect dog. In fact, my secret motivation for getting a Subaru Outback was for my future dog (and would-be family).

As the founder of NoStigmas and someone who lives with chronic anxiety & depression, I’m searching for a very special dog with both the disposition for therapy and smarts for service. My goal is to be able to take the dog with me everywhere, both as its handler and to connect with people in the various communities where I speak and teach. I’m looking for a Facility Service Dog, which can provide support benefits in ways that humans can’t.

Gracie, Albert and Maggie are such good dogs!

Finding just the right canine companion is a very personal and meaningful process for me. It feels a lot like dating (which I’m also currently exploring again) where you get to meet a lot of great people, but it’s really all just a prelude to meeting “the one” right partner. And just like dating, I’m excited to introduce my future dog to my circle. My dog-friendly world includes plenty of doggy friends I’ve made over the years and my service dog trainer, who is almost as excited as I am to get started.

I know I’m looking for a unicorn dog here, but I truly believe my dog exists. I’m only one guy, but maybe together we can crowdsource the perfect pup. Will you join me in this quest? If you know a one-of-a-kind dog who needs a good home, I’d really appreciate the help connecting with just the right canine companion — please send me a message! 💚

P.S. Here’s my perfect dog wish list:

  • Between 9–36 months
  • 50–70 pounds
  • Any gender
  • Any breed
  • Biddable — eager to please, but not meek or docile
  • Active enough to keep up on hikes, but able to chill
  • Great with all people, animals and varied situations

Thanks in advance for all of your support and introductions — I can’t wait to meet my next best friend!

Yoga with Lucey



Jacob Moore

Wellness Strategist Helps Service Leaders Scale Impact & Avoid Burnout 🔥 Creating Community Health & Thought Leadership Programs with Mission-Driven Orgs